Christianity: Catholicism

Catholicism Map
There are approximately...
Catholics worldwide

The Catholic Church, originally (and still sometimes) known as “The Universal Church”, is the largest denomination of Christianity with over 1 billion members worldwide. The Church’s venerable history dates back to the time of Jesus Christ, the only Christian church that does so, making it the oldest sect of the Christian religion. For this reason, the Catholic Church believes itself to be the one true church and that when Jesus Christ returns He will recognize the Church as His one, true church.

The Church is centered on the belief in the Holy Trinity, or the Blessed Trinity – the idea that God is in fact three people, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. This is the reason as to why Catholics are baptized into the Holy Trinity. However, Catholics pray to either Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ, or to Saints who are already in Heaven. In doing so they are sure to acknowledge Jesus Christ as their one true Savior. Catholics believe the Saints and Mary will intercede on their behalf, making their prayers more likely to be heard by God.

The most important belief of the Catholic Church is that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, died on the cross and absolved them of their sins. Their savior made this sacrifice on their behalf and this is the reason for their thanksgiving. Before their sins can be absolved, Catholics must make confession before a priest, who intercedes on their behalf.

The Catholic Church is headed by the Pope, currently Pope Francis, who is of Argentine descent, is also the leader of Vatican City, a sovereign nation-state. Also known as the Roman Pontiff (pontiff translates to bridge builder) or the Pontificate, the Pope is in charge of the College of Bishops and serves as a messenger to all members of the Catholic Church. Official declarations made by the Pope to His worldwide congregation must be made from his seat at Saint Peter’s Basilica, located in the Vatican. Though the Pope is not allowed to change doctrine, nor is he supposed to create new doctrine, he is considered the key-holder to the Kingdom of Heaven. For this reason, all Catholics are required to heed His words.

Pope Francis

Most Recent Popes (261st - 266th)

1958 - 1963

Paul VI
1963 - 1978

John Paul I
1978 - 1978

John Paul II
1978 - 2005

Benedict XVI
2005 - 2013

2013 - Present

Historic Popes (1st - 5th, 130th)

~ AD 30 – 68

~ AD 67 - 79

~ AD 79 - 88

Clement I
AD 88 - 99

AD 99 - 105

John XII
AD 955 - 964

Priest Inside the Confession Room
A Person Holding a Bible

Here are some links to the original documents that detail the history and beliefs of the Catholic Church:

Stain glass of Virgin Mary & Baby Jesus

The Catholic Church, originally (and still sometimes) known as “The Universal Church”, is the largest denomination of Christianity with over 1 billion members worldwide. The Church’s venerable history dates back to the time of Jesus Christ, the only Christian church that does so, making it the oldest sect of the Christian religion. For this reason, the Catholic Church believes itself to be the one true church and that when Jesus Christ returns He will recognize the Church as His one, true church.

The Church is centered on the belief in the Holy Trinity, or the Blessed Trinity – the idea that God is in fact three people, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. This is the reason as to why Catholics are baptized into the Holy Trinity. However, Catholics pray to either Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ, or to Saints who are already in Heaven. In doing so they are sure to acknowledge Jesus Christ as their one true Savior. Catholics believe the Saints and Mary will intercede on their behalf, making their prayers more likely to be heard by God.

Pope waving to crowd

The Catholic Church is headed by the Pope, currently Pope Francis, who is of Argentine descent, is also the leader of Vatican City, a sovereign nation-state. Also known as the Roman Pontiff (pontiff translates to bridge builder) or the Pontificate, the Pope is in charge of the College of Bishops and serves as a messenger to all members of the Catholic Church. Official declarations made by the Pope to His worldwide congregation must be made from his seat at Saint Peter’s Basilica, located in the Vatican. Though the Pope is not allowed to change doctrine, nor is he supposed to create new doctrine, he is considered the key-holder to the Kingdom of Heaven. For this reason, all Catholics are required to heed His words.

Priest deep in thought

The most important belief of the Catholic Church is that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, died on the cross and absolved them of their sins. Their savior made this sacrifice on their behalf and this is the reason for their thanksgiving. Before their sins can be absolved, Catholics must make confession before a priest, who intercedes on their behalf.

Here are some links to the original documents that detail the history and beliefs of the Catholic Church: